Medical tests
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1. Hysteroscopy
- A hysteroscopy is a diagnostic test on the endometrial cavity that allows us to directly access the inside of the uterus to evaluate it more accurately.A hysteroscopy is the recommended test if any type of uterine disease is suspected. Hysteroscopy consists of a tiny camera being inserted inside the uterus to directly see the endometrial cavity. That way, endometrial tissue samples can be taken for analysis thanks to a hysteroscopy.
Surgery is reserved for uterine problems that affect the cavity. In such cases, surgery is performed via a hysteroscopy. A hysteroscopy is a type of minimally invasive outpatient surgery.
that provide folic acid, iron, calcium and vitamin B complex.
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy can normally be performed during the consultation and does not require a hospital admission or anaesthesia. Normally, after a hysteroscopy is performed, it is used to obtain some samples of endometrial tissue to perform a histological examination and cultures.
Operative Hysteroscopy normally requires an outpatient admission and is performed under sedation. The clamps that will allow us to resect the injury requiring surgery are inserted via the same cannula that the fiber optic camera is inserted into.
The discomfort that can be observed after performing this test is similar to the one experienced during a period, and if the hysteroscopy has been operative, there may be bleeding (just like a normal period), which goes on for longer than usual.
2. Endometrial biopsy
The endometrial biopsy consists of collecting endometrial tissue through a cannula that is inserted into the uterine neck. This procedure can cause discomfort, as if it were a painful period, but will disappear as usual, after a short amount of time.
The endometrial biopsy tissue can be used to perform different tests.
Microbiological cultures can be performed to dismiss the presence of pathogenic organisms inside the uterus.
Genome tests can also be performed to examine gene expression of those involved in the implantation window, or microbial tests that determine the normal bacterial flora inside the uterine cavity.